ADIP TESTING AND RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC. (or ADIP TRLab, Inc.) is a duly registered corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Republic of the Philippines last December 19, 2016. (ADIP stands for Association of Drugs Industries of the Philippines).
It was formerly known as ADIP Quality Control Product Research and Development Cooperative (AQCPRDC), first started its operation as a cooperative established on August 22, 2002, and was officially inaugurated on February 25, 2003. It was initially a cooperative in its younger years formed by different pharmaceutical companies with the intention to help the industry in their technical needs particularly in the testing of materials and products to support the different Quality Control Laboratories.
“To consistently be an internationally recognized third-party testing laboratory”.
“To provide technical support and assistance to the national pharmaceutical industry in terms of:
- affordable and quality material and product testing,
- stability storage and testing,
- process validation sample testing and method validation sample testing,
- research and development including solutions to formulation problems,
- technical training/seminars,
- training on good manufacturing practices,
- training on good quality control laboratory practices.”